Directed by James Cameron, the film introduced audiences to the concept of Skynet, a rogue AI system that sparks nuclear ...
James Cameron, the writer and director of "The Terminator," is wary of artificial general intelligence, the still theoretical version of AI that can reason as well as humans. In "The Terminator ...
AI generated visual effects could be a game changer in the film industry. But the emerging field is mired in copyright issues ...
Directors like James Cameron and Jia Zhangke are planning to use AI in their films. But a broader range of creators outside of cinematic profession will help make more inclusive and diverse ...
The plot concerns a super-intelligent AI system called Skynet which has taken over the world by initiating nuclear war. Amid the resulting devastation, human survivors stage ...
In an exclusive small gathering, Geoffrey Hinton voiced his hopes and concerns about AI to Global News and warned the risks ...
James Cameron shared a virtual message at an AI and robotics summit. He said he's "bullish" on AI but "not so keen" about AGI. He said he worries that the technology will be in the hands of ...