Uzumaki, Adult Swim
The horror anime series Uzumaki might just have the makings of a classic anime series. In Uzumaki, the four-episode mini-series, should it manage to hit the same heights as its premiere, will give ...
Junji Ito's magnum opus is now an anime on. But what's with all those spirals in Uzumaki? The biggest name in Japanese horror ...
At long last, Adult Swim and Ghost in the Shell animation studio Production I.G‘s anime adaptation of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki is finally here. While Uzumaki isn’t the first anime adaptation of Ito ...
With October here, and the Fall 2024 anime season in full swing, IndieWire is taking a look at the most promising shows ...
Blended into its black and white mold, “Uzumaki: Spiral into Horror” does such fantastic work at breathing life into the ...
Production I.G. and Adult Swim have been in development on the Uzumaki TV adaptation for nearly half a decade, and that hard work is finally being rewarded with the full premiere of the series. With ...