More than 50,000 Lebanese and Syrians living in Lebanon have now crossed into Syria fleeing Israeli airstrikes. Well over 200,000 are displaced inside Lebanon. Relief operations are underway, ...
In July, Harris met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and stressed her commitment to a two-state solution, “the only path that ensures Israel remains a secure Jewish and democratic state and one ...
Arab children in Syria were dispensing Baklawas, the apparently traditional food to consume when your enemy is gunned down, holding up signs that said, “Thank you, Netanyahu." ...
Every year, United Hatzalah sends a delegation of volunteer physicians, paramedics, and EMTs from Israel to support the influx of visitors in Uman.
Regarding his past differences with Netanyahu, Sa’ar said simply, “It is right to put aside the Jewish wars and focus and concentrate on the war against our enemies.” ...
“When the sun went down yesterday, the world was a better place with Nasrallah not in it,” Kenneth Stethem told The Post on Saturday, less than 24 hours after Nasrallah, 64, was killed in an Israeli ...
It's not the first time Israel has attacked the port, used as a central location for Iranian weapons transfers to the Houthis and a launching point for missile and combat drone attacks against Israel.
A host of other Hezbollah leaders of varying ranks were killed along with Nasrallah as they met in the underground headquarters beneath civilian buildings.
“When there is a great war in the world, the power of Mashiach awakens. The time of the songbird has come – the weeding away of the tyrants. The evil ones are obliterated from the world, the world ...
Years spent fighting the war on terror and the “war between the wars” have influenced Israeli strategic thinking. Hezbollah is a military force, but the war is still being conducted as a series of ...
The revelation that Iran is trying to stop Trump and elect Kamala by any means occasions no more from the White House and the intel community than a reluctant briefing and some boilerplate prose about ...
Every time one hears American and European political leaders insist that Israel embrace a two-state solution, a number of questions come to mind. Is this an attempt to appease their Muslim citizens, s ...