In his recent article, Buddy Anderson argues that the Liberal Democrats are not going to replace the Conservatives if our party moves further to the economic left. Of course, it is worth questioning ...
Back in the day, before even blackberries were invented, the more tech savvy MPs were issued with these palm pilot things so ...
I have a proposal on how to permanently solve the UK’s housing crisis, forever.  This proposition rests on two arguments: Unlike all of history, our population is not going to continue to grow. The ...
Our 57 new MPs have spent the Summer representing their constituents, writing to ministers and getting used to Westminster ...
One would be forgiven for thinking that a liberal party should be a bastion of free speech, open to people from all political backgrounds. Sadly, this is not the case; it is plainly obvious that Flat ...
As we do each year at both the Spring and Autumn Conferences, we take a moment to celebrate and recognise the inspiring ...
There were 12 principal council by-elections this week (2 on Tuesday and 10 on Thursday) and it has been another very successful week for Lib Dem candidates. We registered yet another gain (this time ...
The most-read independent website by and for Lib Dem supporters. Not paid for by trade unions or millionaires.
The Electoral Commission report on Voter ID in the General Election found that 16,000 would-be voters were turned away by ...
There has been a flurry of books published recently, on the subject of ‘broken Britain’. Some look at the big picture of why ‘nothing seems to work’, like  ‘Great Britain?’ by Torsten Bell,  and ...
One of my concerns about the Liberal Democrats is that we resemble myself as student. We are rather better at spending money than working out where its coming from. Although we made some sensible tax ...