In "Landman," Sheridan, who created the hit shows "Yellowstone" and "1923," explores a "modern-day tale of fortune-seeking in the world of oil rigs," according to a synopsis for the series. The ...
His latest, Landman, premiered last night, and has garnered some mixed reviews. Starring Billy Bob Thornton, Demi Moore, Jon Hamm and more, the show is described as: “Set in the proverbial boomtowns ...
Taylor Sheridan's Landman has a lot of potential, but it's too unrefined to stand out. The oil drama's first two episodes are streaming now on Paramount+.
But as I trudged through the dust-coated episodes of "Landman" (streaming Sundays ... you'll discover it's about Tommy Norris (Thornton), a fixer for a Texas oil company who makes deals with drug ...