The recent words by Trump calling Harris mentally impaired amount to one thing. Trump is terrified of Harris. A woman is beating him and he can’t handle it. She is ev ...
Hurricane Helene has unleashed massive destruction on our country.The Biden/Harris Administration has just stated that there's no extra money for FEMA to help these p ...
Cape May County Technical School, better known as Cape Tech, unveiled new spaces this school year to support students’ career ...
The mayor of wildwood and cronies need to resign as soon as possible They need to let an honest bunch of folks run this city. Your other partner did the right thing so ...
Got stopped by a State officer, says, "I pulled you over for your inspection sticker. Been a lot of accidents in the area due to people not getting their cars ins ...
Trump cheated on his wives , he cheated contractors & vendors, he cheats on his taxes, tried to cheat the election, cheated business associates , he’s a draft dodger ...
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Sad that the United States has to rely on Israel to take out missile sites in Yemen who are shooting at US Naval Ships in the Red Sea - under Biden and Harris the ...
Towns that send their sewage to the Cape May County Municipal Utilities Authority’s facilities for treatment and disposal are ...
Wildwood Crest - The mayor is talking about extending the fishing pier-again. How can we afford this in these economic circumstances? You concentrate on paying down debt.
Cape May - Hey. Do your reseach on EV's. When the batteries come in contac... Next Spout › Avalon - Why didn’t Trump solve the border problem when was in office ? Please don ...
As New Jersey heats up due to climate change, health professionals continue to warn of a growing list of health and ...