Keluarga korban pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan aktivis pada Senin (30/9) mengkritisi langkah Majelis Permusyawaratan ...
Meanwhile, students gathered near the official residence of interim leader Muhammad Yunus to demand more access to civil ...
Sebanyak 135 penonton sepak bola tewas karena terimpit dan sesak napas di Stadion Kanjuruhan pada 1 Oktober 2022.
Scarborough Shoal, known as Bajo de Masinloc in the Philippines, is about 125 nautical miles (232 km) from the main ...
Uchikowati Fauzia survived Suharto’s anti-communist campaign during which her father, the late Djauhar Arifin Santosa, the ...
Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya memberitahu BenarNews bahawa laporan polis itu telah diserahkan kepada Polis Daerah Sentul ...
The National Security Council is checking into allegations that Alice Guo, a former mayor, had spied for China.
Montagnard activist Y Quynh Bdap, who faces terrorism charges in Vietnam, said he plans to appeal the verdict.
Activists and leaders from Malaysia’s oil-rich states on Borneo island have been ratcheting up demands for greater autonomy ...
Bekas pekerja binaan dikenakan lapan pertuduhan kesalahan keganasan termasuk ancam serang kuil Hindu, bunuh empat individu berprofil tinggi, menyimpan senjata dan memiliki barangan berkaitan kumpulan ...