The European Public Prosecutor's Office has opened more than 2,000 investigations, with an estimated damage value of 23 ...
Germany's renewable energy sector continues to expand, with electricity generated by wind, solar biomass, biomass and ...
Ocean warming, considered a crucial indicator of climate change, has accelerated significantly since 2005, a new report from ...
The delegated act put out for public consultation by the European Commission on Friday, September 27, regarding the proposal ...
The Romanian Cultural Institute launched a call for applications to offer two Enescu Scholarships and two Brâncuşi ...
Oil giant Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (Adnoc) has reached an agreement of around 11.7 billion euros ($13 billion) to acquire ...
The homely man is no longer known by the sleighs and carts made in summer and winter, but by the holiday decorations. The ...
Moral duties are not talked about very often. Paid quite rarely, these are discussed discreetly, shyly. In football, things related to this subject are a little different and you hardly feel like ...
Preţurile chiriilor din România continuă să crească de la an la an. Oraşele cu cele mai multe anunţuri de pe platforma Storia ...
Exim Banca Romanească a anunţat lansarea unui Pachet Dinamic prin intermediul căruia pune la dispoziţia tinerilor cu vârsta ...
mportanţa cunoaşterii limbilor străine, mai ales în zona corporate, este din ce în ce mai notabilă, în tendinţă cu cerinţele ...
Ministrul Energiei, Sebastian Burduja, a anunţat azi situaţia sistemului energetic naţional, în aşteptarea sezonului de iarnă ...