Today, I don't see this as a priority for us. If it could be avoided, it would be nice to avoid it for one reason: you cannot ...
It is not clear from the statements made by the Adviser what exactly he is planning or thinking of taking to court. Therefore, the most general comment would be that life in the country of the rule of ...
According to the politician, the President's support for the Social Democrats is also welcome because, as Landsbergis notes, ...
Viktorija Bražiūnaitė, Head of the Lithuanian Social Business Association (LISVA): „It's no coincidence that this year's ...
I am very sceptical about such appeals. They remind me of the times, which maybe someone still remembers in our country, when ...
As representatives of hostile countries repeat false claims in the public space about the Baltic States disconnecting from ...
The Ministry of the Interior continues its information campaign „We are a team. We have a plan“ campaign, which continues to ...
Bus svarbu bendraujant nieko neįžeisti, neužgauti. Pasistenkite daugiau dėmesio skirti artimiesiems. Namuose apskritai gerai ...
Tokia praktika grubiai pažeidžia darbuotojų teises ir dažnai lemia nesąžiningas darbo sutarties nutraukimo sąlygas.
Laikinosios sostinės komandą į pergalę vedė įspūdingas Sylvaino Francisco benefisas ketvirtojo kėlinio metu. Gynėjas per ...
„Žalgiris“ po dramatiškos kovos 74:67 įveikė „Barcelona“ (0/1) krepšininkus ir pradėjo Eurolygos sezoną pergalingai.
„Sezono piko metu – 4 mėnesius – Palangos ligoninėje kasdien visą parą dirbs du gydytojai, kurie teiks ir terapinio, ir ...