Vice President Kamala Harris addressed the nation at FEMA headquarters on Monday regarding Hurricane Helene’s devastation across the East Coast. “I am here mostly to thank you all for all that you do, ...
Mr. Ferguson is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford, and the author of, among other books, Kissinger: 1923–1968: The Idealist. He is a Bloomberg opinion columnist.
Mr. Dalrymple, a retired doctor, is a contributing editor of City Journal and The New English Review. He is the author of False Positive: A Year of Error, Omission, and Political Correctness in ...
The Detransitioners is a special three-part series from National Review highlighting the stories of three young women who were driven down the rabbit hole of gender ideology by activist medical ...
Derek Scissors is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the chief economist at the China Beige Book. For the sake of American security and prosperity, China must be pushed out ...
Benjamin Rothove is a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ronald Reagan’s efforts as governor to reform the University of California system are instructive for the Right today.
No more diplomatic games from Biden and Blinken. By way of the debates over IVF, election meddling, and Georgia’s abortion law. If it came down instead to just two states, we would be tempted to ...
“Falsehood flies,” Jonathan Swift once wrote, “and the Truth comes limping after it.” If there’s ever been a better example of this axiom than the attempt to cancel my friend and ...
Naomi Schaefer Riley is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of No Way to Treat a Child. Yes, surgeon general, parents are stressed. But their lives are less lonely ...
Sean Kennedy is a visiting fellow at the Maryland Public Policy Institute, a non-partisan think tank based in Rockville, Md., where he studies crime and justice issues. Marilyn Mosby’s ...
As the war in Ukraine enters a critical period, the European Union has decided that it must take responsibility for what it sees as an existential threat to security in its own neighborhood and is ...
If you’ll indulge something a bit different this week, let’s look at three examples of how double standards are applied in the media and the political landscape today, via the treatment of ...